Unplug to Plug IN; A 5 week course to ditch distraction and wake the f up to your REAL life!
August 26th – September 23rd; 7PM PST via ZOOM
I used to struggle to stay focused on what I wanted to create in the world and most often hid in the safety of numb distraction. And when I say “struggle” I mean I spent HOURS zoned out on my phone or binge watching tv, all the while feeling anxious, depressed and LOST. It took me years of researching, attempting implementation, and many many dark nights of the soul to finally ditch my addiction to distraction and feel truly connected to my native vitality and presence. I want this for you too, without the years of struggle. I can’t wait to share what I have discovered along this path to presence!
- One live zoom call per week on Monday from 7pm-8pm PST via ZOOM.
- Weekly journaling exercises
- progressive action steps to curtail your distraction habits and amplify your presence
- More to be revealed as the journey unfolds!
We are in a pivotal time in history that needs our full power, resourcefulness and togetherness… and yet most of us are allowing our brains to drain out of our eyeballs into our handheld devices and allowing an ever scrolling thumb to substitute for ACTION. This is why I have created my title course, UNPLUG TO PLUG IN.
I am beyond excited to witness you waking up to your full power. It makes my heart sing to know that by the end of our 5 weeks together you will experience a higher degree of presence, more energy, a clearer mind, the ability to focus long enough to create something BIG, and easy access to your inner guidance in all situations.
This isn’t just an opportunity to dismantle your addiction to distraction and reset your habits, but a deep dive into your inner most impulses… a discovery of what drives you and what stops you. We will walk the path of presence and enliven your experience of life along the way.
Distraction is the disease. Connection is the cure.
I’m going to be honest… this next 5 weeks won’t be easy. You will be called to stop hiding from yourself. You will finally feel what it is you have been running from. Are you willing to open Pandora’s box? Know that I will be right there with you. Providing support, guidance and a port in the storm when you need it. It may be scary at times, but what is on the other side is SO worth it! Truly, what is on the other side of hiding, distraction and addiction is YOUR REAL LIFE. The life you have been dreaming up for a very very long time.
So, what is your life worth? Join us for 5 weeks of shifting from distraction to powerful presence and find out!
Ready to register? Go HERE! See you sooooon! xo~ Anah
The very first Unplug will be offered at only $100. Eventually this course will be in the $700 range. I am doing this one time super discount because I want to beta test this program. I will be asking for your feedback as well as one on camera testimonial if you LOVED the course. Your perspective and support is valuable to me!
About Me

Writer. Speaker. Trickster. Hoop Dance pioneer.
Just one weirdo human who helped pioneer the art of modern hoop dance and loves to geek out on the inner workings of life and spirituality. Also, that woman who talks in really embarrassing voices to animals and shares the “way too personal” kind of stories before you’re ready for ‘em.
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