The time for dragging your feet and dreaming about actualizing your potential is OVER. Let 2018 be the year you finally get real and take action. Sometimes you just need a team to keep the fire lit as you step into real change and catapult yourself to your next level. Are you IN? Our 30 Day Holistic Reset is designed to offer a framework for lasting transformation of body, mind, and spirit! We are super excited to take advantage of the fresh energy of the new year to install powerful self-care habits, set ongoing transformation as our new baseline and fine tune our health and vibrancy. Our 30 days together will be rich with nourishing practices, organic superfoods, life hacks, experiential wisdom, nutritional knowledge, group calls and personalized support.
Our Holistic Reset experience is more than just your average online course that you register for and then forget to ever participate in. From our own experience, we’ve learned how critical it is to be supported during times of challenge, growth, and change. We also know, from personal experience, that if it’s easy to tiptoe out of an online course when no one is watching, you are more likely to do just that. We don’t want that for you. We want this to make a real and lasting difference. We want to know each and every one of you by name and be in your cheering section when you blast off… which we KNOW you will. With all that in mind, we’ve designed this experience to be interactive, engaging and fully supported with daily informative posts & videos, weekly group connection calls, and weekly ONE-ON-ONE phone support!
What you do in the first month of the new year can set the tone for your entire year. So, make it count. Invest in yourself. We are honored to be of assistance in designing a personal map of practices that results in you living in alignment with your values. With this new life mastery, you will step into a whole new level of service for your friends, family, community and the world. We are SO excited to witness the unfolding! Read on for more details!