If I could go back in time to whoever created the words "should" and "supposed to", I would walk up...
There is freedom in structure.
For most of my life I have been structure-less... from an early age, really. I equated structure (as in, schedules...
Lost or FOUND? A few years ago, I had this insight. When I was driving somewhere new, I noticed it...
You suck and that’s AWESOME.
In my adolescence I was petrified to be bad at anything. This might have been partly due to a traumatic...
Grace in the Dark
Originally written; June 28th, 2012 Over the last few days I have been tired, lacking in motivation and struggling with...
I always thought being vulnerable was defined by being vulnerable WITH another person. My most current growth edge has shown...
About Me

Writer. Speaker. Trickster. Hoop Dance pioneer.
Just one weirdo human who helped pioneer the art of modern hoop dance and loves to geek out on the inner workings of life and spirituality. Also, that woman who talks in really embarrassing voices to animals and shares the “way too personal” kind of stories before you’re ready for ‘em.
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